Continuous Fiber Reinforcing Materials (CFRM) are used for tendons in bridge and ground anchors as well as for reinforcing bars used in rehabilitation and strengthening to maximize the performance of structures.
Much of the social infrastructure in Japan is made of concrete. In recent years, the maintenance and management of these structures has become an important social issue, following the revelation that the degradation of the concrete and chloride-ion-induced corrosion of reinforcing steel resulted in the loss of structural durability. Experts are now aware of the need to bear in mind the long-term or lifecycle cost (initial construction cost + maintenance and management expenses + demolition and disposal costs) in the design of new structures. Since CFRM does not corrode, the replacement of steel structural members in the concrete with CFRM means that the concrete reinforcement will not corrode and degrade. ACC considered it useful to compare two scenarios for building maintenance from the viewpoint of lifecycle cost (LCC). The first is a conventional method of structural repair and reinforcement to maintain the required performance. The second approach is to use CFRM in the initial construction of the structure to maintain performance throughout the life of the building. This comparison has been compiled into "A Case Study on the Lifecycle Cost of a Concrete Structure using CFRM", to help promote both the LCC approach and the wider application of CFRM in construction.